Artelli, the multidimensional art space, is proud to co-organize the exhibition initiated by Art For All Society, titled “Viral Code? – A Discussion on Art and the Masses”. Supported by the Cultural Development Fund 2024, City of Dreams, and Air Macau, the exhibition will run from June 4 to July 17. This exhibition will showcase a dual exhibition by Zhao Xiaoli and Wu Xixia, exploring the intriguing relationship between art and the public in the digital era – the impact of social media on cultural shifts in art.This dual exhibition is curated with the support of Victoria Lu, the first internationally acclaimed female curator and art critic in Chinese contemporary art. It marks the debut collaboration between Chinese contemporary artist Zhao Xiaoli and local multimedia artist Wu Xixia. Together, they engage in a dialogue reflecting on art, digital traffic, and the portrayal of the female image.Zhao Xiaoli is the first Chinese female influencer artist to reach tens of millions of followers on social media. Her success attributes to her ability to make art accessible to ordinary people through online platforms. Her works are almost always portraits of a girl with hazy eyes, loaded with deep emotions that traces back to the uncertainties she has encountered throughout her personal growth. Her artistic expression is a batter of imagery, performance, and the painting process, creating as a motif of sincere self-expression. At the exhibition, viewers will have the opportunity to witness her most iconic female portrait paintings and sculptures – an experience sure to be heartfelt.Wu Xixia’s works invite viewers to contemplate art through performance art, installation art, and traditional painting. Her artworks often feature text and calligraphy as significant symbols, with luscious styles and brushstrokes conveying countless meanings. Viewers will have the opportunity to explore her latest creations in oil painting, sculpture, and installation art, delving into the artist’s unique perspectives on gender philosophy, identity, and contemporary art

“Viral Code? – A Discussion on Art and the Masses”

Zhao XiaoLi and Wu XiXia Dual Exhibition
Date: 2024.06.04 - 2024.07.17
Time: 11:00 - 20:00 Daily
Address: L02, Artelli, The Showroom, City of Dreams